Autism Evaluation

We are here to help you find the answers you have been looking for.


Why Choose Us for Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluation?

At Integrated Behavioral Health, we prioritize accuracy, compassion, and expertise in our ASD evaluations. Here's what sets us apart:

  1. Experienced Psychologists: Our team consists of licensed psychologists with specialized training and experience in assessing ASD.

  2. Comprehensive Assessment: We conduct thorough evaluations that encompass various domains, including communication skills, social interaction, behavior patterns, and sensory processing.

  3. Tailored Approach: We understand that every individual is unique, which is why we take a personalized approach to assessment. We tailor our evaluations to suit the specific needs and concerns of each client.

  4. Collaborative Process: We believe in collaboration and involve caregivers, educators, and other relevant professionals in the evaluation process to gather comprehensive information.

  5. Evidence-Based Practices: Our evaluations are based on the latest research and diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and other relevant guidelines.

Our Evaluation Process

Our ASD evaluation process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: We begin with an initial consultation to discuss concerns, gather relevant information, and determine the appropriate assessment tools.

  2. Comprehensive Assessment: Our psychologists administer a variety of standardized tests, interviews, and observations to assess various aspects of ASD.

  3. Feedback and Recommendations: After completing the evaluation, we provide detailed feedback to the client and their caregivers, along with personalized recommendations for next steps, including therapy, support services, and educational interventions.

  4. Follow-Up Support: We offer ongoing support and guidance to help clients and their families navigate the diagnosis and access appropriate resources.


The cost of an evaluation to identify ASD varies depending on the whether there are additional areas of concern. Cost for an evaluation for ASD ranges from $3,200-$4,200. 

The cost of the assessment will be discussed before you agree to testing.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you are ready to chat, you can easily schedule your consultation by clicking below and securing a no-cost call. You can also call us directly at: 720-856-0400

Integrated Behavioral Health

Phone: 720-856-0400


Address: 1120 Delaware St. Suite 110, Denver, CO 80204

Hours: M-F 8am-8pm